Included dates are for this year's events. All events from the list are annual. If the event already took place, please, wait for next year updates =)
Opportunity; When?; Where?; Link; For whom?; Cost; Notes
The online round of the student's olympiad; 17.02 -1.03.2020; Online; More link=; Undergraduates, high school students; Free of charge; Past olympiads tasks link=;
The regional round of the student's Olympiad; 11.03.2020; Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv, Odesa, Lutsk, Kherson, Mykolaiv, Ivano-Frankivsk; More link=; Undergraduates, high school students; Free of charge; Past olympiads tasks link=;
The National round of the student's Olympiad (for the winners of regional and online round); 6.04-11.04.2020; Kyiv; More link=; Undergraduates, high school students; Food and accommodation cost of the participant; Past olympiads tasks link=
International Astronomy and Astrophysics Competition; І round deadline: 15.05.20 ІІ round 15-21.06.20 ІІІ round 29.06-17.07.20; Online; More link=; Undergraduates, high school students; $8; Only winners of the previous round are allowed to participate in each subsequent ones
Volt Camp; No information yet; Ukrainian Carpathians; More link=; 8-10th -graders; Free of charge;
European Space Camp; 2-9.08.20 Application deadline-15.04; Norway; More link=; Born between January 1st 2000 and December 31st 2003; Transportation expenses ; The result of official English test is required to prove an applicant's ability to participate in the event;
International Astronomical Youth Camp; Will not be held this year; Spain; More link=; 16-24 years old (participants who will become 16 years old during the camp are allowed to participate); 870€ + transportation expenses; English-speaking camp. Need-based scholarships are possible;
AstroCamp; Doesn't accept Ukrainians this year; Portugal; More link=; 9-11th- graders, 2002-2004 birth year; 400€ + transportation expenses; English-speaking camp